Book ID 50846
Journal Title
Title Faune de Madagascar: Fasc. 67 - Insectes: Coléoptères, Staphylinidae Paederinae, 1: Pinophilini
Author Lecoq, J.-C.
Year 1986
Info Paris. Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. 183 pages, 296 b/w line drawings, br. gr. 8 [18.5 x 27 cm]
Category Books
Subcategory Miscellaneous
Classification Miscelleaneous
Geozone Africa
Price 28.60 € net
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Description This volume is one of several to deal with the beetle family Staphylinidae. This fascicle deals with the tribe Pinophilini, increasing the number of species describes from two to 173. Treated genera: Oedichirus, Palaminus, Leleupauchmetes, Phinopilus, Pinoritus, Pinophilus, Mimopinophilus, Metapinophilus, Pinogalus, Galopinus