Book ID 50841
Journal Title
Title Faune de Madagascar: Fasc. 84 - Mammifères: Chiroptères
Author Peterson, R. L., Eger, J. L. & Mitchell, L.
Year 1995
Info Paris. Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. 204 pp., 87 b/w illustrations, 41 tabs, br. gr. 8 [18.5 x 27 cm]
Category Books
Subcategory Miscellaneous
Classification Miscelleaneous
Geozone Africa
Price 33.18 € net
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Description Fascicle 84 in this fauna deals with the bats of Madagascar. Largely based on collecting trips by the authors in 1967, specimens of which were deposited in the Royal Ontario Museum, it has been supplemented by data from specimens from museums around the world.