Book ID 49454
Journal Title Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo N.F. 37 (2/3) [NEVA]
Year 2016
Info 60 pp., num. figs, stapled 4
Category Journals
Classification Miscelleaneous
Geozone Africa , Europe , North America , Australia and Oceania , Asia
Price 25.00 € net
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Description Lewandowski, S. & Lewandowski-Krenz, K.: Pempelia ehrenbergi sp. n., eine neue Pyralidenart der Gattung Pempelia Hübner, 1825 aus Ägypten (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae, Phycitinae). Schroers, M.: Eine etwas ungewöhnliche Beobachtung bei einer Kopula des Mosel-Apollos (Parnassius apollo vinningensis). Peigler, R. S.: Filed observations of Agapema dyari Cockerell, 1914 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) in western Texas. Schröder, S. & Stradomsky, B. V.: "Blues and fashion": a case of polymorphism in females of Arhopala hercules herculina from West Papua, Indonesia (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Nässig, W. A.: Kurzbericht von der Exkursion 2015 der Arge HeLep zum Hohen Meißner (Nordhessen, Werra-Meißner-Kreis) (Lepidoptera, Trichoptera). de Freina, J. J., De Prins, W. & De Prins, J.: On the nomenclature of Amata kuhlweinii (Lefèbvre, 1832) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Arctiinae, Syntomini). Gallo, E. & Della Bruna, C.: New data on the species-group of Argynnis paphia in China, with description of a new taxon: Argynnis westphali sp. n. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae). Roos, P. H.: Third record of Semanga helena Röber, 1887 from Sulawesi and notes on the distribution of Jamides snelleni Röber, 1886 (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Cerny, K.: A contribution to the knowledge of the Miltochrista-Lyclene genus group in South East Asia (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini). Dvorák, B.: Verbreitung der Acherontiini-Genera im Lichte der Verpuppungsweise: Die Vertreter von Coelonia und Megacorma als Nichtwanderer (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae). Tennent, W. J.: A review of Danis danis (Cramer, 1775) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae), with descriptions of seven new subspecies from Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Wagner, W.: First record of Apamea sphagnicola centralazorensis Wagner, 2015 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the Island of Terceira (Azores, Portugal). Tennent, W. J.: Resolution of Parsons' "Philiris species a" from Papua New Guinea (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Rawlins, A. & Cassidy, A.: An illustrated and annotated checklist of Philiris Röbler, 1891, taxa occuring in the Indonesian provinces of North Maluku and Maluku (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Rosenbauer, F. & Theimer, F.: Eriogaster inspersa Staudinger, 1879: New for the fauna of Europe (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae). New taxa: Pempelia ehrenbergi n. sp., Argynnis westphali n. sp., Miltochrista collina n. sp., Miltochrista lyclenoides n. sp., Barsine miloslavae n. sp., Barsine helenae n. sp., Barsine melanovena n. sp., Barsine elongata n. sp., Barsine melaninflexa n. sp., Barsine marcelae n. sp., Barsine sieglindae n. sp., Barsine sieglindae coloraria n. ssp., Lyclene testata n. sp., Lyclene zorae n. sp., Lyclene weidenhofferi maritima n. ssp., Lyclene calcicola n. sp., Lyclene jaroslavae n. sp., Lyclene evae n. sp., Lyclene dagmarae n. sp., Disasuridia nakaoi n. sp., Danis danis morotai n. ssp., Danis danis gebe n. ssp., Danis danis kofiau n. ssp., Danis danis mussau n. ssp., Danis danis feni n. ssp., Danis danis murua n. ssp., Danis danis duperre n. ssp., Philiris mulleri n. sp., Philiris helena nok n. ssp., Philiris intensa discoblanca n. ssp.