Book ID 45024
Journal Title Lauterbornia 83
Title Aquatische Diptera-Larven in Mittel-, Nordwest- und Nordeuropa. Übersicht über die Formen und ihre Identifikation
Author Mauch, E.
Year 2017
Info 404 pp., 916 figs, hardcover gr. 8
Category Journals
Kind Freshwater
Classification Miscelleaneous
Geozone Europe
Price 60.75 € net
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Description Aquatic Diptera larvae in Central, Northwest and North Europe. The forms and their identification, a survey. Aims of the treatise are: (1) Characterization of (semi)aquatic Diptera larvae on family level based on descriptions and identification keys in form of family portraits. 45 families having water dependent larvae are treated (a few, several, many, all species), according to literature and own observations. (2) Presentation of further taxonomic literature for each family. (3) Identification of taxa below family level, as far as keys in literature could be adapted. A preceding general part provides a survey of the morphology of Diptera larvae, the terminology and methods. The drawings in the text are supplemented by a gallery of color photos.