Lindroth, C. H.: Einar Wirén 80 ar. Lindroth, C. H.: Bertil Hanström - in memoriam. Lindroth, C. H.: Uunio Saalas - in memoriam. Svensson, I.: Martin Ekström - In memoriam. Lindroth, C. H.: Herbert Lamprecht - In memoriam. Tjeder, B.: The valid species name of "Ascalaphus libelluloides" of recent authors (Neur.). Papp, J.: A Revision of Thomson's Species of Bracon Fabr. (Hym. Braconidae). Brinck-Lindroth, G.: Small-mammal fleas from the interior of central Sweden. Svensson, B.: The distribution and habitat specialization of the genus Gyrinus (Col. Gyrinidae) in Blekinge, southern Sweden. Svensson, S. A.: Identities of Chionea minuta and brevirostis Tahvonen, 1932 (Dipt. Tipulidae). Tjeder, B.: New Coniopterygidae from Southern Africa (Neuroptera). Tjeder, B.: Three new Tipulidae from Sweden (Diptera). Dahlgren, G.: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gattung Saprinus (Col. Histeridae). IV. Gyllensvärd, N.: Nagra för Sverige nya eller sällsynta Hemiptera. Wirén, E.: Tva coleopter-exkursioner till Öland ar 1968. Goulet, H.: Description of two new species of subg. Europhilus (Agonum; Col. Carabidae) from Eastern North America. Erwin, T. L.: A new Bombardier Beetle in Canada (Col. Carabidae). New taxa: Conwetza capensis n. sp., Coniopteryx draco n. sp., Coniopteryx tenuicornis n. sp., Limonia (Dicranomyia) lulensis n. sp., Erioptera (Erioptera) pederi n. sp., Tipula (Savtshenkia) boreosignata n. sp., Saprinus africanus n. sp., Agonum canadense n. sp., Agonum palustre n. sp., Brachinus cyanochroaticus n. sp.