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Book ID 42220
Journal Title Opuscula Entomologica 32 (3)
Year 1967
Info 112 pp., num. figs, br. gr. 8
Category Journals
Classification Miscelleaneous
Geozone Europe , Africa
Price 15.00 € net
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Description Lindroth, C. H.: Kjell Ander 65 ar. Lindroth, C. H.: Lars Brundin 60 ar. Lindroth, C. H.: J. Pettersson's coleoptersamling. Lindroth, C. H.: Olof Ahlberg - in memoriam. Ander, K.: Designation of lectotypes in Bombus and Psithyrus. Dahl, C.: Additional notes on the taxonomy and distribution of Swedish Trichoceridae. Landin, B.-O.: Taxonomic studies on African Aphodiini (Col.). Landin, J.: On the relationship between the microclimate in cow droppings and and some species of Sphaeridium (Col. Hydrophilidae). Dahlgren, G.: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gattung Saprinus (Col. Histeridae). Tjeder, B.: The identity of Rhabdomastix parva Edw. (Dipt. Tipulidae). Tjeder, B.: A new name in European Tipulidae. Tjeder, B.: Two new names in European Chrysopidae. Lundberg, S.: De svenska Smicronyx-arterna (Col. Curculionidae). Svensson, I.: Förändringar i Sveriges storf järilfauna senaste tioarsperiod. Svensson, I.: Scopula aequicerata Träff not a separate species (Lep.). Bödvardsson, H.: Icelandic Collembola material from the Westman Islands and from Hornafjördur. Gyllensvärd, N.: Beitrag zur Kenntnis der geographischen Verbreitung der europäischen Hemiptera Heteroptera. Raatikainen, M. & Tinnilä, A.: Contarinia kanervoi Barnes i Sverige (Dipt. Itonididae). Andersson, H.: Three insect galls of species new to Sweden. Vaillant, F.: Two Dixid flies from near the arctic circle in Sweden.