Book ID 41759
Journal Title Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo, Supplementum 2 [NEVA]
Title Die Thersamonia-Gruppe (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae)
Author Schurian, K. G. & Hofmann, P.
Year 1982
Info 59 pp., 2 color plates, 8 figs, 9 maps, stapled 8
Category Books
Subcategory Miscellaneous
Classification Miscelleaneous
Geozone Middle East
Price 14.50 € net
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Description This article contains a short revision of the coppers known as Thersamonia thersamon, Thersamonia alaica, Thersamonia phoebus, Thersamonia ochimus, Thersamonia lampon, Thersamonia eberti, Thersamonia solskyi, Thersamonia asabinus and Thersamonia thetis of the genus Thersamonia Verity. New taxon: Thersamonia ochimus sahandensis n. ssp.