Book ID 41755
Journal Title Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo, Supplementum 8 [NEVA]
Title Die Schmetterlingsfauna der südlichen algerischen Sahara und ihrer Hochgebirge Hoggar und Tassili n'Ajjer (Lepidoptera)
Author Speidel, W. & Hassler, M.
Year 1989
Info 156 pp., 34 figs, 4 color plates, br. 8
Category Books
Subcategory Miscellaneous
Classification Miscelleaneous
Geozone Africa
Price 14.50 € net
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Description The lepidopteran fauna of the South Algerian mountains is described, and a major part of the species is figured. Most of the 194 species (about 70 %) are eremic species of a wide distribution. Apparently, the proportion of Mediterranean species decreased considerably during the last 50 years. There are only a few endemic Lepidoptera in the region in contrast to flora. About 50 years ago many relict populations still existed of species which normally inhabit less arid areas. It seems that they more or less disappeared or have been reduced considerably. New taxon: Salvatgea garamantica n. sp.