Fric, Z. & Konvicka, M.: Adult population structure and behaviour of two seasonal generations of the European Map Butterfly, Araschnia levana, species with seasonal polyphenism (Nymphalidae). Rutjan, E. V.: A new bagworm species of the genus Dahlica (Psychidae) from southeastern Ukraine. Loeliger, E. A. & Karrer, F.: Unusual demonstration of autosomal dominant inheritance of the black coloration of one of America's swallowtails: F2 broods of the hybrid Papilio polyxenes asterius with Papilio machaon gorganus (Papilionidae). Pljushch, I. G. & Dolinskaya, I. V.: Eggshell fine structure of some species of Lithosiinae (Arctiidae) of Far East Russia. Stefanescu, C.: New data on the ecology of Thecla betulae in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula (Lycaenidae). Puplesiene, J. & Olivier, A.: The karyotype and chromosome number of Polyommatus buzulmavi (Lycaenidae). Gaedike, R.: Axel Scholz (11.6.1957-30.6.1998). New taxon: Dahlica karatyshica n. sp.