Sarto i Monteys, V.: The discovery, description and taxonomy of Paysandisia archon (Burmeister, 1880), a castniid species recently found in southwestern Europe (Castniidae). Speidel, W. & Aarvik, L.: Synonyms of European Tortricidae and Noctuidae, with special reference to the publications of Hübner, Geyer and Frölich. Ringwood, Z., Gardiner, T., Steiner, A. & Hill, J.: Comparison of factors influencing the habitat characteristics of Gortyna borelii (Noctuidae) and its larval foodplant Peucedanum officinale in the United Kingdom and Germany. Freese, A. & Fiedler, K.: Experimental evidence for specific distinctness of the two wood white butterfly taxa, Leptidea sinapis and L. reali (Pieridae). Belik, A. G. & Zamolodchikov, D. G.: Notes on systematics of the Erebia dabanensis species complex, with special consideration of the dabanensis - youngi and anyuica - occulta pairs of sibling species (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). Wagener, S.: Chazara persephone (Hübner, [1805]) or Chazara anthe (Hoffmansegg, 1806) - what is the valid name? (Nymphalidae, Satyrinae).