Book ID 38907
Journal Title Nova Supplementa Entomologica 22
Title On several genera of leafhoppers of the tribe Erythroneurini from the Pacific rim (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae)
Author Dworakowska, I.
Year 2011
Info 90 pp., 461 figs, br. gr. 8
Category Journals
Classification Miscelleaneous
Geozone Asia , Australia and Oceania
Price 30.00 € net
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Description Eight genera out of twelve dealt with are completely reviewed. Among them seven, viz.: Bogorya, Kelmensa, Georgetta, Eterna, Czarnastopa, Borsukia and Dipemura are newly described, with 14 new species and four new combinations. Kanguza Dwarakowska, 1972 is comprehensively re-introduced together with all information existing in literature, in addition to 7 new combinations and describtions of three new species. The following new species are also described and illustrated: Gladkara vietnamensis from Vietnam, Lectotypella femoris from N Borneo, Zinga mayensis from Papua New Guinea, Bakera maior, B. minor and B. fajka from Philippines, B. wielaga from Java, B. gigantea from N Borneo, Seriana undulata, S. glossata, S. torrevillasi, S. zmienna, S. luzonensis, S. quatei and S. xuqba from Philippines, S. varia and S. wdowa from N Borneo and Gambialoa javanica from Java.