Suomen Perhoset Ja Toukat. Päiväperhoset - Kiitäjät - Kehrääjät - Sirppisiivet - Villaselät - Nirkot - Villakkaat - Siilikäät - Venhokkaat. Opas Tunnistamiseen, Elintapoihin Ja Kasvatukseen [The Early Stages of Butterflies and Moths of Finland. Papilionoidea - Lasiocampoidea - Bombycoidea including Sphingidae - Drepanoidea - Notodontidae - Lymantriinae - Arctiinae - Nolidae. Guide for life cycle and breeding of butterflies and moths]
Silvonen, K.
Helsinki. Tibiale. 648 pp., num. color photos, hardcover gr. 8 [16.8 x 25 cm] [in Finish]
This book covers 268 species of Lepidoptera, which can be found as part of the Finish fauna. Each species is figured with approx. 14 photos of different stages.