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Book ID 66628
Journal Title
Title Grans Mamífers de Catalunya i Andorra: Distribució, Biologia, Ecologia i Conservació [Large Mammals of Catalonia and Andorra: Distribution, Biology, Ecology and Conservation]
Author Ruiz-Olmo, J. & Camps, D.
Year 2023
Info Barcelona. Lynx Edicions. 592 pp., color photos, color illustrations, color distribution maps, hardback folio [24.3 x 31.5 cm] [in Catalan]
Group insects
Category Books
Subcategory Miscellaneous
Classification Miscellaneous
Geozone Europe
Price 76.92 € net
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Description This new book describes in detail the species of large mammals in Catalonia and Andorra and their current and past situations. It includes Lagomorphs, Carnivores, Ungulates, Cetaceans and some large Rodents. It is a comprehensive collective work involving more than 80 specialists. It includes extensive information, maps, charts, illustrations and photographs, as well as over 2000 bibliographic references. It constitutes a solid and fully up-to-date base aimed, in its conception, both at giving satisfaction to the readers who are only looking to enjoy their knowledge or to satisfy their curiosity, and to the specialists who will have an essential manual for conservation, management, study and knowledge of the 49 species it includes. In addition, readers will be able to find up to 21 thematic articles of great relevance: from the structure of the communities of the large groups or the diseases that affect them to the problems they originate, their tourist use or their life in special situations. In addition, it includes a detailed and updated bibliography, with more than 2000 references. Readers will be able to enjoy learning very wide and well-structured information and, at the same time, learn to love, value and conserve these species for future generations.